Yoga Therapy

Most of us are familiar with Yoga as a Mind-Body-Spirit paradigm, but do we truly appreciate why?  The word Yoga means to yoke, or connect, stemming from the root word yug.  It refers to a systems approach that works to integrate and join our many aspects of being (Mind, Body, Emotion and Spirit), in order for us to realize our wholeness and oneness.  As it turns out, this is also the true definition of what it means to heal: to become whole.  As a Yoga Educator I honor your whole-being: your physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual experiences, supporting you to discover and reclaim your unique and vibrant self.
"Helping you see, feel, and heal your whole self."
Yoga Therapy sessions: 
  • are highly personalized; they meet you where you are at, honoring the integrity and wisdom of your own process and person;
  • are co-creative, relaying on mutual-respect and insight offered from both parties: client (you) and practitioner (me);
  • are firmly grounded in the present moment, acknowledging what is happening now while holding skillful and compassionate space for transformation to occur;
  • honor your holistic nature: integrating your physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual experiences, without imposing expectations or an experiential agenda;
  • and, offer a dynamic and versatile approach to your healing and wellbeing, enabling effective change from the bottom-up, top-down, and inside-out!
Curious to further understand how Yoga Therapy sessions work?  Scroll down!

Session Essentials:
  • Sessions are held in my home-based practice, located in Regina, Sask.  Further location details will be provided once a session is booked.
Fee Schedule:
* Current rates are offered at 50% OFF, reflecting student rates, as I complete my Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy training.
  • Cash, Cheque or Bank Transfers are welcome.
  • Sessions are scheduled for 75mins and are $85(taxes included).
  • Sessions can be booked for a shorter duration,  however the session fee remains $85.
  • See below for Package discounts
♥ Interested in practicing Sacred Economy?  Keep scrolling ♥
What to Wear:
  • Wear comfortable clothing that you can easily move your body in, and that you feel very relaxed and warm in.
When you Arrive:
  • Please arrive 10mins early for your session.  Enter via the front door and take a seat in the house, on the chair at the bottom of the stairs.  I will greet you there before our session begins.  Please be sure to turn your phone Off completely, or at minimum to Airplane mode, this is your time to switch gears: to relax and focus on self-care and healing.  Reading material and water are provided on the entrance table, at the bottom of the stairs.

What we experience as dis-ease has generally taken time to develop.  Understandably, it will take some time and effort to undo what has been done.  As incentive and support for individuals ready to commit to their healing process, I offer discounted bulk session fees.  These do not expire; however, they are non-refundable, and non-transferable (except under extenuating circumstances).  *All amounts include taxes.
  • Three Session Package: $240
  • Six Session Package: $470
  • Nine Session Package: $685
To learn more about my education and experience, please read more here.

How does a Yoga Therapy session work?
To further explain Yoga Education, let's break it down into the familiar Body, Mind, Emotion, and Spirit categories.
  • Sessions are based on the substantial body of evidence that points to the essential value and need to engage our physical experiences in order to create lasting change.  Gentle movement and embodied mindfulness literally create the ground for deep and felt-sense connection between body, mind, emotion and spirit.  Other embodiment techniques can include are Yoga positions, supportive touch, self-informed movement, and home-practice suggestions (including diet and lifestyle practices based on the Food and Spirit® modality).
  • Somatic therapy is a class of work that intentionally integrates mind with body and spirit.  Culturally, we've inherited attitudes and beliefs that suggest our minds work in isolation from our bodies and spirits; however, nothing could be further from the truth.  More and more, research points to holistic and integral healing modalities for creating authentic and sustainable health.  Treatments and therapies based on compartmentalization are not only less effective, but also tend to further enable outdated and pathological attitudes of separation.  These sessions draw on holistic approaches, such as Yogic counselling, Positive Psychology coaching, and, in general, moment-to-moment Present Awareness.  Combined, these techniques support unraveling the connections between your mind (your thoughts, memories, attitudes, perspectives and beliefs) and your body, further enabling you to heal and flourish.
  • Emotions express the beautiful crossroads between our mental and physical experiences.  As energy in motion (or e-motion), they are quite literally the keys that turn our thoughts into physical experiences, and vice-versa.  As potent energy sources, emotions greatly support your embodied transformation, and thus are skillfully honored and integrated in sessions.  Please note, Yoga Education is specifically trauma sensitive: deeply respecting the need for patience and a peaceful approach in therapeutic work.
  • Colloquially, we refer to Yoga as a Mind-Body-Spirit practice; and yet, interestingly, we often feel uncomfortable discussing the concept of Spirit.  Why the contradiction?  Perhaps the incongruity is the result of living in a secular culture, where discussing our spirituality is unfashionable (or worse irrational); or perhaps it is the result of our misunderstanding between what it means to be Religious versus Spiritual.  Either way, we are a culture of individuals disconnected from The Sacred, starving for soulful connection and our spiritual health.  Inspired by my own modern-day struggles to integrate Spirit, much of my study, and now my professional practice, has been focused on modalities that support spiritual awareness, growth and vitality.  Reiki, Acutonics®, Shamanism, and thankfully much of my Yoga training, have incorporated spiritual teachings and healing techniques, which are only incorporated with informed consent and when applicable to your needs, interests and goals.

Interested in a social experiment and a new story of ABUNDANCE?
My studies and healing practice are my "vote" and "investment" in our collective healing.  Although there is an exchange of skill for money, wonderfully both participants are actually investing in and voting for HEALTH.  Still, many are ready and inspired to heal, however experience their financial circumstances a limiting factor. This is where the experiment comes in!  I believe in the concept of sacred economy, it excites me!  And in as an intentional step to increasingly invest in what I perceive as a global shift towards abundance, I would like to offer crowd-funded healing.  I invite those living in the experience of financial abundance to give generously AND those not currently living in an experience of financial abundance to receive freely.  I will facilitate the arrangements and contribute $15/donated session to an ongoing fundraising for scholarship clients.
Together we can make shift happen!
Here's how it will go:
If you are someone interested in giving financially, email me.  If you are someone interested in receiving, email me.  For every $110 paid for by a philanthropist, I will contribute $15 for further fundraising for crowd-funded clients.  This exciting paradigm shift is hinged not only on generosity, but also on individuals coming forward to receive.  If you are an individual who is clear about your intentions to heal, and yet know that finances are a current limiting factor, please consider participating in this program (email me to be added to my "crowd-funded recipients" list).  The truth is, sustainable abundance exists only when ALL of our cups are overflowing.  Often the biggest block to our personal healing is our attitudes, such as "asking for help is a sign of weakness", or "I can't rely on others", or sadly "I don't deserve it".  However, these aren't truths, they are fears.  I believe we are all in this together, healing needs to happen for everyone for us to truly shift from the old story of limited resources and competition, to a new story of collective abundance and cooperation!  And really, what do we have to loose, why not dream and take pragmatic action!?!
My intentions are to support mutual and collective empowerment through respect, honor and generosity; I am open and inspired to engage in this uplifting practice.  If you would like to participate in sacred economy and crow funded healing, whether as a receiver or giver, email me at

Why Energy Medicine and Spiritual Healing?
Just as you would not go to an Energy/Spiritual Healer to help you deal with an acute trauma (such as a deep cut on your skin), it make equal nonsense to go to your Allopathic Doctor to help you heal from wounds of a spiritual nature.  Considering that there exists more mystery in life than certainty (current physics suggest we can only "explain" less than 2% of the KNOWN Universe) there is good cause and licensing to keep an open-mind to the wonder of our existence.  Aside from the fact that every mystery tradition I have come across suggests a creation paradigm that includes aspects of soul and spiritual consciousness, I personal have experienced enough "real life" magic/mystery/synchronicity to welcome my spiritual consciousness as a vital and real part of my life.  Likely what inspired me on the path of Shamanism is its tenant of "direct revelation".  Though the Foundation of Shamanic Studies suggests a worldview paradigm for participants to consider, they are not interested in bandwagon pupils.  Shamanism is for skeptics, as the methods in and of themselves rely on your direct connection with the spiritual realm.  If this is starting to sound like I am trying to convince you to open-your mind, I guess it is because I sort of am.  I was once on a determined agnostic path, and my only spirituality was Nature (and in a lot of ways Nature still is a huge source of my spiritual richness).  Had I not had my own experiences of soul and spirit, I would not be doing the work I do.  And now I sit here practicing and offering this angle of healing work because I know and understand (as much as is humanly possible) the inherent part it plays in wellbeing, peace and harmony.  As my approach is holistic and integrative, it does not discount the synergistic capacity of working in conjunction with allopathic and other healing methods.  I aspire to work on and with your team of therapists and healers; together we can collaborate to best serve you in a dynamic, compassionate, open-minded and effective way.  If you are currently working with a healthcare provider for a serious health conditions (whether it be mental, emotional and/or physical), please consult with them about your interest in supplementing current treatments with Energy Medicine and Spiritual Healing.  I am very open to discussing my healing methods with other health professionals if they are interested in connecting to discuss and work together.

The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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