Thursday 20 April 2017

Reclaiming the Power of Illness and Breakdown

Much of what makes me effective for my clients is my capacity to work from a place of grounded compassion and unconditional positive regard.  Although my willingness to be a healer and therapist emerged naturally in early childhood, it has been life's invitation to walk the rigorous path of lived-experience that has truly anchored and opened my heart, and my trust in process, which are essential to all healing.
Likely the most impactful shift of perspective I've come to acquire is my attitude and view on break-downs, illnesses and failings.  My personal experiences of illness on the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual planes have inspired me to re-orient my perspective on them entirely, enabling me to reclaim the inherent power for change and transformation they provide.  With an intention to abide in equanimity (as much as I manage to muster...always a living work in process), I can see that, generally speaking, break downs and illnesses are symptoms of steep learninggrowth, healing and transformation.  Said another way, break downs and illnesses are NOT symptoms of failure

I greatly appreciate this does not mean the above mentioned are painless experiences; however, a more accepting perspective towards them greatly relieves useless suffering (the old Buddhist adage: "pain + resistance = suffering" definitely fits in here).  When the caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, what happens behind the veil of the cocoon is anything but pretty, orderly or easeful.  There is mass cellular death, chaos and distress; there is much death and break down...and yet, these are all the SYMPTOMS of emergence, of becoming and transformation.  Do we perceive the caterpillar as a failure as she painfully sheds her caterpillar-self in order to become a butterfly?  Not.  With great patience and trust (also at times called faith) in the mystery of our unique becomings, we can eliminate the useless sufferings associated with the false gods of fear and resistance.  Learning theory, Systems theory, Positive Psychology theories and Shamanic perspectives are all inviting us to broaden our approach and attitudes towards "break down", so that we can find a more peaceful way and to support us in encompassing a greater, more holistic and hope-inspiring truth.  Choosing to experience our "illnesses and breakdowns" as signposts of our extensive growth and evolution allows us to translate our "failings" into "good news": we are becoming, transforming, learning to fly!
I have deep compassion for your needs as you move through your experience of transformation.  Though ultimately beautiful, the way home is often fraught with fear and confusion, and in our disorientating state connecting to an experienced spiritual mentor and healer can make all the difference (I personally was blessed to have such support on my way).  I do not presume to understand or provide solutions to the mystery of your becoming;  however, I do have every confidence in your capacity to meet yourself, and I have a diverse skillset that enables me to truly support you in your healing.  Asking for help along our way is a gift we can compassionately give to ourselves, I believe we have everything we need to meet our life's challenges, including the capacity to ask for help!  As a conscious and loving pilgrim, Therapist and Healer, I am willing, skilled and honored to walk alongside you, to support you, as you heal and transform.

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