Tuesday 19 August 2014

Feeling rebellion at a cellular level.

Before you read this blog, I would like to say that I know, and You know, that we all know (or would likely benefit from knowing) that none of us know much, and I assume that really no one knows it all.  I am a yoga teacher, I am a mother, I am a curious being.  I am not an astrophysicist or a guru.  Nonetheless I am a thinker, and a blogger, and so I find comfort and permission to share my thoughts.  But as you read the following, please keep in mind that I deeply know that I do not know very much; which is why I keep thinking, and asking questions, and sharing ideas.  I hope you feel encouraged to do the same:-)

My thoughts:
A core expression of the universe is individuality.  Why do I think this?  Well, all the cells I know of are expressed and witnessed with boundaries.  These boundaries enable each cell to discern its self from others.  My cats, all my children, my husband and my self share this common experience of boundaries that cells do.  I believe, as far out as we can examine, including at a universal level, this is a common experience: there exists a personal, internal experience and a shared, external one.  Which brings me to core universal expression #2: the reality of interconnectedness, holism.  As clear as the boundaries between our self and the other may appear, to believe that every self is not intrinsically part of a greater web or whole (and I say this next bit empathetically) is a somewhat limiting perspective. 

Not so long ago my intellectual perception of the world started to shift from this limiting experience of "I am the center of the universe" to "we all are and all aren't, simultaneously, the center of the universe".  When reading Erich Fromm's book "The Art of Loving", I came across these concepts of both/and logic and either/or logic.  These concepts hit me upside the head like "huh?".  I struggled to compute: "what does he mean both/and logic vs. either/or logic?"  Fromm offered the explanation that living in the midst of social conditioning founded on Aristotelian philosophy, like most of us do living in the West, encourages us to adhere to and find comfort in Aristotelian, either/or logic.  Whereas other nations adhere to and find comfort in social conditionings framed in the dominant philosophy of their lineage: such as Confucius, Yin/Yang philosophy or both/and logic.  "Ok...I think I'm getting this" I thought.  Through perseverance and curiosity I've come to better fold what Fromm was talking about into my ongoing recipe for intellectual evolution.

The reason I bring this up is that while reading books such as Deepak Chopra's "Power, Freedom and Grace", or B.K.S Iyengar's "Light on Yoga", or studying concepts from Buddhism (all of which I revere with the highest respect and gratitude for genius), I come up against brick walls in my own gut, heart and mind.  The rebel in me thinks: How can our experiences here on Earth, or that of the ego, be an illusion or hallucination, as it frequently seems these gurus or philosophies/phers are suggesting?  Furthermore, it seems like all this focus on transcending the false illusion of Maya, or the ego, is founded on the belief that mind/spirit is greater than matter/ego: basically on a system of hierarchy; as if the mind/spirit is the real thing and that matter, Maya or ego (our experience of individuality) are the lesser/false things.  Right now, as I type this, every cell in my body rages against this notion, fuelled with rejection of this hierarchical model.  Keeping in mind loving kindness and mindfulness, I believe there is useful application for this intuitive rebellion; for my angry, felt-sense response.  In fact, it is my position that much of the pain our bodies scream out to us is to alert us of the necessity to come home: that the desire to transcend self is dysfunctional.  With all I know about neuroplasticity and pain science, we have to work respectfully with the physical aspect of self to find peace and pleasure; we have to get on our own side from every point of view: physically, psychologically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and maybe even universally or multiversally:-) 

When I practice yoga, it is about holistic union.  I am consciously choosing and practicing respectful and loving connection and acceptance of all aspects of self and experience.  With out limiting judgements of the parts of self that make up the whole, I work intuitively to witness and deeply connect in partnership with all of these levels (at least the ones I can currently perceive).  It is in these spaces of mind, body and spirit that I feel the powerful vibrations of passion, vitality and love.  It is also in these spaces that beautiful synchronicities emerge and I feel able to receive and marvel at the nature of existence.

Basically, for me, both my experiences of individuality AND interconnectedness are essential truths and REAL expressions of the universe (admittedly they are likely only part-truths or glimpses of the whole truth).  I love the analogy of the wave to understand self/small expression and whole/larger expression.  If the wave is the individual expressed by the ocean, which is a larger/whole expression, then don't both the wave and ocean exist?  It feels counter-intuitive for me for anyone to suggest that the wave is a hallucination, illusion or false reality.  It is real, it is there, it is part/whole.  I experience both the wave AND the ocean as expressions, and so find no inclination to judge their worth or impose a hierarchy.  This brings to mind the science of fractals.  Check it out..... 

Sure, if we get overwhelmingly obsessed with only the experience of the wave, forgetting the other whole aspect of our existence, we may benefit from enlightenment.  And so it would seem wise for us, in this case, to remember both aspects of our experience (not either/or, but both/and).  Just as a small side note, for any of you who feel you are enlightened and perhaps feel concerned that others are not yet enlightened, does not your own experience of enlightenment encourage a feeling of faith that others too will find the lightness in good/appropriate/useful time?  I know mine does (and believe you me, I do not presume to be enlightened as in "I've found the end of the yellow brick road"/"I've arrived, no need to keep looking" sort of way).  I know that on my road to enlightenments I found yoga, out of curiosity and hipness seeking (as in to be hip, not as in my anatomical hip!).  Further down the path I found naturopathic healing, out of curiosity and desperation.  I later found concepts from quantum physics, out of curiosity and from friends pearls of knowledge shared in conversation with friends (Thanks Jill).  From my experience, so far, the way to enlightenments is: rarely as we expected it to be; is (I'd imagine) always a blissful surprise; and, in consideration of the realities known regarding infinity and multiverse theory, never a dead end (maybe a void, but not a definite end).

Lastly, if you are interested in cultivating enlightenment for yourself (which for me has been a wonderful source of passion and joy), I would strongly recommend starting with your curiosity.  Curiosity seems to be the very pulse of evolution, the secret to keeping a fresh mind and outlook on life.  As a species, we know SOOOOO much!  But, in comparison to everything we can measure as existing in our ENTIRE universe, we know almost NOTHING. 

Isn't that exciting to think about.  For anyone who has ever felt belittled or patronized about their ideas or considerations, find strength of heart in remembering that everything we know about the universe consists of only 4% of the known measurable universe.  The other 96% consists of the, so far, mysterious and inexplicable Dark Matter and Dark Energy.  (For a great curiosity kick start watch the 2014 "Cosmos", hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson, or "The Inexplicable Universe", also hosted by Tyson, on Netflix).

I think that You, and everyone of Us, is a fractal expression of the entire universe and multiverse.  If this is true (which I have no idea if it is), this means that cultivating your best life, flourishing, finding joy, peace and happiness; expressing your creative, curious and loving self is the most important and powerful thing you could ever do to inspire our collective evolution. 

I hope you can grow your wellspring of inner strength from the basic miracles of life.  You are here; you have a truly magical purpose in our shared, ever unfolding experience of everything.  Personally, I am working to grow more and more on the nutrients of unconditional love, passion and curiosity; there is something about these qualities rings true on a micro and macro level of my experience...how about on yours? :-) 

If this resonates with you, awesome.  If not, no worries.  It was a joy to write either way, so thanks for reading.

Love and Light,

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