Friday 24 October 2014

A yogis perspective: our fight against terror.

Today I feel angry.  Although I wish my immediate response to our nation's (or world's) challenges could be met instead with compassion; I have to be honest, I feel angry.

Before I get too far long in my potential vent, let me just say that I recognize that I am angry because really, I want change.  Sometimes anger is a way of expressing a need for growth, for change and transformation.  And so, I believe this is the root of my anger, the desire for transformation...and regardless of how angry I seem, I do TRULY believe we have it in us to transform and evolve as individuals and a collective.

Last weekend, I was in our nation's capital, Ottawa.  On Weds, a desperately misled, imbalanced and unwell person killed another human being on Capital Hill, and then continued to fire fear and bullets into Parliament Building.

Let me start by saying, this is sad news. Cpl. Nathan Cirillo was a man, a father, a son, and he is gone.  It is sad and upsetting that he was taken so recklessly, so insanely.  Such a waste of love, life and good intention.  I am sincerely sorry for Cpt. Nathan and his family.  I hope and believe they are being truly loved and held in the support of their families and communities during their times of grief.

What I find even more devastating however, is our nation's reaction to this random act of violence.  Just a few days ago we were allowing ourselves to be tugged in the wake of fear of Ebola, spread by our news broadcasting companies.  Then suddenly, since Weds, we have barely heard a hiccup regarding Ebola.  Instead now we are allowing ourselves to be held in the iron-fist grip of terrorism.

Just so we can get a good look at the facts:

The story that has gripped our nation since Weds, was regarding the death of one person.

On rough average, 500 Canadians die, EVERY DAY, from preventable, lifestyle diseases.

In 2005, the leading cause of death in Canada was Circulatory System Diseases (such as Cardiovascular Disease).  In 2005 this killed 71,749 Canadians.  Of the top five killers in our nation, all of them are considered preventable via healthy lifestyle choices.  Which means that of the 181,985 deaths, from the leading causes of death, most (if not all) could have been prevented.  Talk about a waste of life.  Talk about a war on terror. 

But for some insane reason, we aren't fighting against the corporate grind which causes unparalleled psychological stress; we aren't we fighting against food marketing campaigns that cleverly feed off our instinctive monkey brains and desires for happiness; in fact here comes another Halloween and the ignorant idea that fun and happiness really do come in the form of packaged, sweet treats. 

Why shouldn't we spoil little Johny or Jainie right? 

Personally, I can think of 181, 985 good reasons, every year, not to sell my kids short by continuing this lethal belief that their happiness and pleasure comes in the form of fun, sugary 'treats'. 

Regardless of the true deadly risk of excessive and over indulgent consumption of stress, sugar, processed foods and carcinogenic fats, our nation, our governments and our broadcasting 'news' companies seem hell bent on selling us foreign threats and fears of terrorism instead of focus our needed attention on to what is really killing us.  It is such a simple, reductionistic way of engaging in the world, one that has fuelled wars for eons: our terror and fear of the unknown, of those we perceive as other, those that are different or oppose us. 

Although I would find it disturbing to try to understand the rational of the man who decided to take Cpl. Nathan Cirillo's life, I find it just as disturbing to try to understand the ethics or intentions behind companies selling us (and especially our children) lethal-yet-sold-as-fun foods, as well as trying to understand the rational of a government that doesn't put these REAL HOME GROWN TERRORS in check.

Before I get too carried away projecting the blame onto faceless company owners and board members, or government officials, let me be clear that I think the greatest amount of power rests in our individual hearts, hands, minds and actions.

Here is a list of what we can try to do, as much as possible to oppose terror:

- try to remember that the world is filled with way more loving, well intended, imperfect yet striving for improvement and growth human beings
- turn off the news 6 out of 7 days, and surround yourself instead with the good facts of caring neighbours, laughing children, the reality that the sky that is not falling, the view and feel of the earth under your feet, and time spent with those you love
- feel strength and conviction in the power of YOUR DOLLARS: buy local, organic, unprocessed and ethically grown foods and products as much as possible.  Work to limit your consumption of unnecessary and unhealthy goods (including fear mongering news and media productions)
- vote, get involved with local and national debate
- volunteer and make a difference in the neighbourhoods you live in
- take time for contemplative, self-loving practices (filling your spiritual, psychological, emotional, physical and intellectual cup as much as possible so it can runneth over and help fill the cups of others)
- study positive psychology and yoga, or other uplifting and inspiring topics
- laugh at your self when you take it all too seriously, but reflect with gratitude for your feelings of care and responsibility for your fellow humans and the world we live in. well, be light, be love, be imperfect, be forgiving, be compassionate, be.

Thanks for reading.
Love and light and shadow,

The website for the 2005 causes of death statistics:

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