Friday 7 November 2014

Beings drawn to the Moon

It has been my intention in writing this blog to try to let go of fear and inhibition, and truly write from my heart: trying not to worry about how readers will receive, perceive or judge it/me.  Nonetheless, a mindfulness of readers still creeps in through the cracks of my consciousness, as I find myself checking the statistics of how many readers have visited my site, and in particular which blogs receive the greatest amount of "hits".

It has been such a pleasant surprise to see that my ALL TIME most read blog/blogs are the ones concerning the moon.  Although I perhaps shouldn't read too much into this, I can't help but feel it is evidence that there is a collective keenness to reconnect with nature and its soothing rhythms.

The more we study nature, the more we realize all expressed elements take part in a global and solar system dance.  Still, the moon in particular seems to have a significant pull not just on our tides, but also on our hearts and souls.  Many of natures rhythms are so elusive or expansive that we may find them hard to recognize or relate to.  But like the passing of the seasons, the moon's pattern is obvious and recognizable, making it accessible to our imaginations and psyche. 

As a result, most, if not all, traditional and indigenous cultures have tales to relate their relationship to the moon, and its symbolism, to their tribe's people.  A natural consequence of this cultural richness is the colorful array of story books that fill my local library, just waiting for me to sample and taste.  One of my greatest loves is my local library, where I can horde up on as many of these tales as my heart desires, with the comfortable knowledge that a) this act of 'gathering' is free and b) in a week or two I can de-clutter my home by returning them all back to the library (so much better than shopping, no?). 

Aside from the fact that reading these stories to my children encourages a proud imaginary pat on my back, for a motherly-job well done,  the truth is that I LOVE THEM (yes my kids as well, but also the books!).  The reason I truly love these precious stories is that they are not only full of beautiful drawings and heartfelt artwork, they also deliver their profound and insightful message in less than 15 pages!  For me this is effective and efficient learning... why bother with novels?!  Folk tales and myth so effectively drum up emotions and distill their message that in fact they are more readily digestible and deeply integrated and absorbed into our hearts and psyches. 

Anyhow, the love of story books is really an aside, back to the moon!

So, here we are, all enigmatically drawn to the moon; all, I believe, looking to connect to the largeness of our existence, to help us understand the notes we play in this universal tune. 

Similar to the moon, we also move with rhythm and pattern; but, also similar to some of the more elusive rhythms of nature, we might find many of our patterns hard to pin down.  Gregg Braden of the HeartMath Institute, wrote a fascinating book called "Fractal Time", putting forth interesting concepts regarding not only our individual patterning, but also that of communities, cultures, nations and civilizations. 

In recent months, fractals have significantly caught my curiosity and attention.  Living, evolving fractals provide me personally with a constellation and philosophy for living, a way to consider and contemplate my choices, actions and intentions in life.  Below is a link to a video expressing about "Fractal Time", if you are interested, give it a watch:-)

Anyhow, happy belated full moon.  Consider practicing some back bends or strong standing postures with an added awareness on your inhalations filling and broadening your chest, lungs and heart space (think warrior I or extended side angle stretch).  Or perhaps the full moon entices greater creative thinking or need to express oneself creatively (think dance, poetry, blogging :-) ).  For some of you, you may be rocking a totally different natural rhythm, by all means honor your own inner guru and listen to the seeds of need being expressed by your body, mind, heart and soul today.


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